The “Machine Gun Chords” Piano Technique

Today you’ll learn about a little technique I call “Machine Gun Chords” that I used for the song, “The Machine,” one of the most popular songs on my “Dark Ivory” album. 

I basically wrote the entire composition based off this one concept, just moving it around to different chords.

To demonstrate we’ll take an A Minor Chord, A-C-E. Your right hand will play the top two notes of the chord and your left hand will play the bottom note.   

Your right hand is going to alternate the top note and the bottom note and your left hand is just going to play the same note over and over. 

So, you’ll play E with your right hand, then A with your left hand, then C with your right hand, and A with your left hand. 

It does take a little while to get the “Machine Gun Chords” technique down, but once you get it, you can apply this to any chord progression and it’ll sound really cool. 

You can see a great demonstration of this in the video below/ 

If you want more tactics, strategies, and lessons on learning piano, check out my free course, Become a Piano Superhuman

Categories: Technique