Solving “Weak Pinkie Syndrome” on Piano (Over Under Technique)

Over Under Technique

I feel dumb. Why? It took me sooo long to notice this ridiculously obvious thing… It’s right in front of your face, but you may not have noticed it. And it leads to the “Over-Under Technique” – Probably the second most important technique to all your playing… Anyway. So I had trouble for a long time with my pinkie (as a lot of people do). It always seemed so weak.… continue reading

Piano Guys Secret Formula – 9th Chord Arpeggios

Piano Guys Secret Formula 9th Chord Arpeggios

I’m not gonna lie… I am a total Piano Guys fangirl (and I’m a guy!). I’m not scared to admit it, I love their music. But I found out something very…interesting… about their piano arrangements… I’ve bought a TON of their sheet music. And sheet music in a similar style. And after analyzing piece after piece, I discovered something. There’s a certain “formula” that they use. And they use it… continue reading

The 3 Essential Things Great Pianists Have

To become a great, well rounded pianist, there are three main facets you need to develop: the Physical, the Mental, and the Emotional. All three are equally important, and to max out your potential as a pianist you should work on all three. Everyone has one or two that they excel at naturally, and one or two they really need to work on.  Know what type of person you are.… continue reading

Beginners Piano Technique Explained – The 5 Finger Drill

Beginners piano technique explained thumbnail

Technique is HUGE. I honestly think it is the most important thing to develop as a piano beginner. If you have good beginners piano technique, the rest (expressiveness, sight-reading, ext.) will follow. And it’ll lead to the more advanced techniques like playing crazy fast arpeggios ;). Before I go into detail about the 5 finger technique, I want to talk about a mental shift, a different way of thinking, that… continue reading

Piano Exercises for Beginners – The #1 Technique for Piano Beginners

What’s up everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about of of the most important piano exercises for beginners. It’s that one fundamental exercise everyone should know. When I started using this drill, it fundamentally changed the way I played. It was the first and most important piano technique I learned in college. Let me quickly tell you my story about The Miyagi Technique. My piano professor in college is truly… continue reading

The ULTIMATE Guide to Mastering Piano Technique – Part 2

The ultimate guide to mastering piano technique pt 2 thumbnail

Ok, so enough chit chat, time to get down to action. Like anything else in life, you don’t get better at it by reading about it, you get better by doing it. So here’s my step-by-step systematic action plan to get some rock-solid piano technique. It only takes about 5 to 10 minutes a day, and it’s the exact method I used to get fast scales, arpeggios, broken chords, and… continue reading

The ULTIMATE Guide To Mastering Piano Technique

The ultimate guide to mastering piano technique pt 1 thumbnail

You want to develop awesome piano technique. Good. Trust me, getting that next level technique will skyrocket your playing ability. All of a sudden your fingers will feel like the keyboard is their home, and everything you play will be easier and smoother. Oh, and you’ll be able to play the cool flashy stuff to impress your friends 😉 And here’s the best thing. Piano technique has been researched heavily.… continue reading