How Long Does it ACTUALLY Take to Learn Piano?? [ANSWERED]

How long to learn piano

How long does it really take to get good at piano? I’m going to answer that question today and break piano up into three categories: Technique, Play by Ear, and Learning Songs.  I’m going to be very specific in answering this question and explain how if you practice for a certain amount of time, using specific routines, for a specified number of weeks, you’ll get a particular result.  At the… continue reading

Networking Secrets From a Pro Pianist – Get Gigs, Make $$$, and Make a Living From Music

Networking Secrets

Today I’m going to talk about the dreaded topic of networking! I know as musicians, especially as piano players, a lot of us hate the concept of going into a random room of strangers, talking to people, and getting gigs. However, I actually think networking is more important than your piano ability in terms of your ability to get gigs and get paid off of your music. If you’re interested… continue reading

How to Cut Your Piano Practice Time in Half and DOUBLE Your Results

Double Your Piano Practice Results

Today you’re going to learn how to cut your piano practice time in half and double your results using accelerated learning techniques. We’re going to go through how to work smarter, not harder, and get more from each minute of your piano practice time. Also, I’m going to discuss the crazy thing I learned from accidentally recording my piano practice session. The results from this absolutely shocked me and I’ll… continue reading

What Separates Good from GREAT Piano Players

Good vs great piano players

What separates good piano players from GREAT piano players? After working with more than 100 students I’ve learned what makes certain piano players standout. I’ve seen how some piano players slowly progress over time while others seem to have their piano skills ramp up and develop MUCH faster. Today I’m sharing those insights with you. The Two Things That Separate Good from GREAT Piano Players Becoming a great piano player… continue reading

How to 3X Your Piano Practice Results

3x piano practice progress

Want to learn how to get better results from your piano practice? Today you’re going to learn how to use “Positive Motivation Loops” and the “Compound Effect” to multiply your piano progress. Also, you’re going to learn why “Results Per Minute of Practice Time” is the most important stat you want to focus on. If you feel like you’re just stuck in your practicing, you’re practicing a lot and not… continue reading

The 3 Keys to Dominating Piano Performance Anxiety

3 Keys Piano Anxiety

Let’s just get one thing out of the way first – there is no cure for piano performance anxiety. Instead, when it comes to performance anxiety, it’s best to focus on two things: Diminishing your performance anxiety as much as possible Strengthening your ability to play well EVEN when you have anxiety or distractions You want to be able to increase your confidence as well as your ability to play… continue reading

7 Day Step-By-Step Plan to Dominate Piano Performance Anxiety

7 Day Step-By-Step Plan to Dominate Piano Performance Anxiety

Piano performance anxiety is completely normal, I even continued to have it years after my first performance, but it can be minimized with the right preparation. In this blog post you’re going to learn about a 7 day step-by-step plan that includes my five “gauntlet exercises” you can use to reduce performance anxiety. One thing I realized as I had more and more piano performances is that there is a… continue reading

How to Learn Piano Faster: Lessons Learned From Accidentally Recording My Piano Practice Session

Have you ever wondered if you’re making the most of the time you spend learning piano? If you’re efficiently practicing piano so you can make more progress in less time? I never really thought about this before until one day when I accidentally recorded myself during a practice session. Seriously, I happened to be recording one day while I was practicing, but to my surprise, it turned out to be… continue reading